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About Me Survey

What is up Dramaalert nation! I'm your host PhuCunt. Let's get right into the nudes! No but seriously, we're kick back to what we used to do back in Myspace a decade ago. I loved answering these and sending them out to my old friends! So I thought we should go back to memory lane and answer these questions. This time, I'm not a cringy kid, so I know how to spell and not make any stupid answers that'll cause people to harass my ass.

1.) What is Your Name? PhuCunt.

2.) How old are you? 23 years old.

3.) Hometown? Afghanistan

In General

4.) What is your height? 5'8 or 5'10. I have no idea at this point. I'm growing every single day.

5.) Do you have any siblings? Yes.

6.) What is your eye color? Brown.

7.) What is your hair color? Black.

8.) Do you wear glasses or contacts? No.

9.) Are you right handed or left handed? Left-handed.

10.) Do you have any piercings? I'm not an emo faggot.

11.) Do you smoke? You have to smoke when you a pussy to horror games. Of course not.

12.) Do you swear? I don't mean to, but it happens. Can't handle it dude.

13.) Do you get along with your parents? That's like saying do you get along with your friends.

14.) Your heritage? Yellow Cunt.

15.) Your fears? JoeysWorldTour.

16.) Goal you would like to achieve this year? 50,000 subscribers on YouTube. But of course, that will

never happen because I'm a cunt to the YouTube community.

17.) Most overused phrase? Damn Daniel! Back at it again with the white Vans!

18.) Do you work? I make shitty horror games for a living. $5 every year.

19.) Your bedtime? It varies between work hours and Let's Play hours.

20.) What time do you arise in the morning? 7-10am.

21.) First thoughts waking up? Damn, that was some good clown porn last night.

22.) Do you shower daily? That's a retarded question. You're probably referring to "my fears" answer.

This Or That?

23.) Bright or dark room? That really depends on the activity. If I'm sleeping, then it's a dark room. Bright room to play and record video games.

24.) Chocolate or vanilla? Swirl.

25.) Dogs of cats? Dogs honestly. You probably thought I liked cats because cat is in my nickname. Don't be a faggot and comparing me to PewDiePie liking pies. Cat is only in the nickname because my last name sounds like meow. Shit load of people get that confused.

26.) Pepsi or Coke? La Croix.

27.) McDonalds or Burger King? Jerusalem Grill.

28.) Fame or Fortune? Both are kinda gay, but fame because that'll eventually lead to getting both anyway.

29.) Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Nestea.

30.) Cappuccino or Coffee? Cappuccino.

In the last month have you...

31.) Drank alcohol? No. I'm not that depressed about life, silly!

32.) Gone to a mall? Oh god no! My mall is literally just fast foods. Home of JoeysWorldTour. Almost every other store has closed due to bad business.

33.) Eaten a box of Oreos? Yuck, don't really like Oreos.

34.) Eaten sushi? Fuck dude, I wish!

35.) Been on stage? No. Haven't been on stage since high school graduation.

36.) Been dumped? HAHA! No one dumps Papa Mustard!! No but seriously, haven't dated since middle school. I'm fat and old now. No one wants to date a guy that looks like Bill Dauterive.

37.) Gone skinny dipping? That's only necessary if you want pussy.

38.) Stolen Anything? I'm not a hobo.

Have you ever...

39.) Laughed for no reason? I don't know about that, but I do have funny things randomly wandering in my mind, so I'd laugh about it and people would think I'm laughing at them. Kill me...

40.) Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? I'm pretty sure everyone has been in this stage before.

41.) Been in love? Fuck, I have and I've been rejected everytime as if I was Johnny fucking Bravo except for a blonde chick that my old friends introduced...Oh and an honor roll student, but I have never had contact with her besides Myspace. Good times in middle school muhfucka!

42.) Fired a gun? Yeah, shooting bottle targets.

43.) Been drunk? Yes. Just an experience with my brother.

44.) Been called a Tease? No.

45.) Been beaten up? We were all retarded as kids, so yes. No one rooted for me in the fight, but I was pretty gay anyway, so I wouldn't have rooted for myself either.

46.) Shoplifted? No. I'm not even sure how people get away with that when there are security cameras everywhere and that security detector thing when you leave the market.

What was the last....

47.) Furry thing you touched? Choa's wife!

48.) Thing you've said? This question.

49.) Song you've listened to? Dear Prudence by The Beatles.

50.) (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? Family member.

51.) Movie you watched? Either Sleepaway Camp 2 or Cheech and Chong. I can't exactly remember.

52.) Thing you were doing before this? Taking a shower because I do it daily.

53.) Time you cried? That's personal.

54.) Song you've sang? Gas Station Rap by Muhfucka STFU! No but seriously, probably a song by Interpol.

55.) Time you looked at the clock? That was years ago! I use my phone to look at the time now.

56.) Food and drink you've had? Some sort of wheat tortilla breakfast wrap with spinach. Yes, I have to say "spinach" because I want to show that I'm a healthy person. *cough* JoeysWorldTour reference *cough*

57.) Flavour of gum you've chewed? Mint 5 gum.

58.) Shoes you've worn? Work boots.

59.) Store you've been in? Probably Walmart. That's all we fucking have now in this town besides Publix.


60.) Song? Don't make me choose this. There are way too many good ones by The Beatles, Yo La Tengo, Built to Spill, Sybreed, Beach House...I refuse to mark a favorite for this!

61.) Age you've been so far? 14 years old. Don't have to take responsibility, had a good amount of friends, a fucking love triangle.

62.) Season? Autumn season is the shit! Always gives me a Michael Myer's Halloween feel and good horror games always get released during that time!

63.) Number? 103. (1w0)

64.) TV show? This is also tough to favorite: That '70s Show, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Regular Show, bunch of amazing late 90s to early 2000 cartoons.

65.) Book? The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I gotta thank summer reading for forcing me to discover this. It's like Gone Home and Life is Strange, but a million times better in a novel!


66.) How much cash do you have on you? Fuck off cunt! I'm not letting you mug me!

67.) What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? Score (that puss.)

68.) What T-Shirt are you wearing? One from my technical college.

69.) What brand of shoes are you wearing? PhuCunt brand. It's just feet. Who wears shows while they're answering a survey?!

70.) What did your last text message say? Find Ksukia's wallet.

71.) What were you doing at midnight last night? Posting a new video, leaving a hate comment on my own video, and worked on blogs like this.

72.) What's your current desktop picture? Autumn. Should probably change it to Sakura Beach or something to brighten the mood for the upcoming Spring season.

73.) What's a word that you say a lot? Dude, cunt, fuck, and faggot. Pretty inappropriate, but I can't help that.

74.) If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow as fuck.

75.) How is the weather right now? Sunny.

76.) What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Face.

77.) Are you too shy to ask someone out? Let's be honest, everyone is too shy to ask a hot chick out.

78.) Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? Sounds dangerous.

79.) Who would you like to see right now? Choa...Or maybe those chicks that crushed me in middle school. Damn girls, back again with the finest looks!

80.) How many pillows do you sleep with? Three. I get massive headaches if I got less especially sleeping on the floor.

81.) Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? Online dating? Not if they have the angles. #MyspaceMoviereference

82.) How do you want to die? I guess sleeping. Seems like the least most painful death.

83.) What do you want to be when you grow up? Nigga, I'm already grown up. Anything Photoshop and video editing seems the easiest for me.

84.) What country would you most like to visit? I guess the entire United Kingdom. All my YouTube friends live out there haha! Americans need to learn a thing or two about being cool on YouTube if they want to befriend me.

85.) How many CDs do you own? I don't keep count on that.

86.) How many things, in your past, do you regret? I regret a lot of things in the past.

87.) Do you think you are attractive? Ask Bill Dauterive that question because he's basically what my appearance is.

88.) Do you believe in yourself? The Gods hate us.

89.) Do you want to get married? If it means more money and smashing that ass lol! No but seriously, I'm not sure how to answer that question since I only dated once.

In a boy/girl...

90.) Favourite eye color? Brown or blue. I really don't give a fuck.

91.) Favourite hair color? Brunette, blonde, redheads. Isn't that all chicks?

92.) Short or long hair? About the middle or short hair I guess. Don't care really.

93.) Height? Same height or a little bit shorter. Doesn't matter to me honestly.

94.) Weight? No fat bitches. *shots fired*

And that wraps of the nostalgia. I hope you enjoyed this! I wanna do surveys like this every week, so go ahead and make one up in the comments section or answer these for yourselves! I enjoy reading this from other people's perspective!

- PhuCatGeek

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