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PhuCatGeek vs Trollmore

So after doing a playthrough over Timore Inferno and talking how bad the game was especially for it's MINIMUM price of $5, Trollmore came back with a vengeance and attacked me full on with his responses! I won't lie to you guys, I got fucked up.

Dude first off, RESPECT Abraham Lincoln! I DO respect your games and I DO believe you worked very hard for them, but you crossed the line by joining the dark side that's been trending for the past few months when the game isn't even up to par yet for a price. $5 is "too much" for cheap jumpscares, no checkpoint system, rarely any story, repetitive monster battles, and 24 minutes of gameplay. I would ignore the purchase and watch other YouTubers, but just about every horror game nowadays is being sold for money on Steam/ as a sick trend, so I'd be left without any playthroughs to do. Hell, my friend Wretic is a good example of the struggle! He's been struggling to get around to playing horror games on a regular basis b/c of this trend! If the game was on Gamejolt/IndieDB for free, then I would have sympathy for it! I'm not saying all your games should be free, but it just needs more improvement before it actually starts becoming a thing to sell. Yes, I do make tiny revenue off playing these games, but the content is mixed with gameplay AND commentary, so technically this is our content. I gotta pay for what I'm buying??? Could you at least give a sign that says no refunds?! You can go ahead and take my $5, but you lost all my respect for that. Please understand me when I say this game isn't ready for real money. I could've bought a footlong sub with mustard and mayo instead, but now I will starve.

I never said games were my content. The commentary within the games is my content, so it is OUR content. So you're saying that Let's Players aren't allowed to monetize your games? If you just only want me to unmonetize my playthroughs, then that wouldn't be fair when thousands of others are monetizing playthroughs of your games. And did you just offer me to join the dark side?! How dare you sir! *watching Milkiplier's first Timoore playthrough* Dude! He basically said the same shit that I said about your current game minus the part when he said the jumpscares got him, so why am I targeted as the criminal here when others are disparaging the game? Also heads up, a YouTuber with half a million subscribers might be heading your way, so try not to get a heart attack from his review since he also disagrees with the idea for paying $5 over this game. If you made more improvements with your games, then I'd be happy to donate regardless if it's free or not! That's what I do for developers who know how to put out good horror games! Again, if you want to take my $5, then do so. It's just respect going down the drain due to dissatisfaction and no refund. Love and peace baby!

Wait, are you saying you make a living off of your Timore games?!?!?! Dude!! I don't make a living off YouTube! Seriously, I don't know if I can take much more of this....He included a link to a full gameplay on his page...That's defeating the purpose of what Let's Players do! They're not going to watch that shit because they want to keep it a surprise for jumpscares and story! Okay how about this, why don't you make a demo for your future games? Meaning it's time to expand the gameplay of it because 24 minutes won't cut it! That's literally how long it takes to complete a demo! Like I said, it's not my content. It's OUR content. How many times do I have to repeat this? Full comedy of 0 jokes? Meme alert guys!! You basically just told me to quit being a Let's Player on YouTube because I'm unfunny. And you're seriously telling me to show some respect for your $5 game? ‪#‎WorstDeveloperof2016‬ I like how I made one direct response of MY opinion and he's getting butthurt all over it. "Don't say, 'sorry this was a bad video because people didn't give me games to play.'" Sorry dude, I have to tell everyone that because my videos are shit. *sad face with tears* You're assuming that I talk garbage about all horror games. You clearly haven't been active on my channel ever since you subscribed. I have sent money without asking for refunds to developers such as DDD Wares, Akuma Kira, Ivan Zanotti, and even Scott Cawthon because they developed their horror games very well regardless of any cheap jumpscares! When did I ever say I don't have money for games?!?!?!?!?!!!? All I said was that I wanted my $5 back because the game was bad! $5 isn't my lifetime earning you jerk! Depending on your reading skills, I don't know if you actually got the point of what I've been saying in my responses..Did you really not get the $5 footlong joke I made? Are you serious dude?? Oh wait that's right, I have full comedy of 0 jokes. "people liked my game they're buying it and this is actually first time someone wanted a refund" I'm not the only one, mate. Lowtax and HarshlyCritical did not enjoy the games either. I'm not the first to want a refund. There were people who didn't buy the game and already know that they want a refund. I'll provide evidence after I'm done talking here. But I'll starve anyway whether I liked it or not? Ooohh! Damn Trollmore! Back at it again with the right roasts! RIP PhuCunt 2016!

I think I made my point.

In conclusion of the responses, I will no longer play any of Trollmore's games b/c he can't take criticism and he's being selfish about the refund option. I mean I don't really care if you keep the money. If you're this desperate to have food on the table which is just a footlong sandwich btw, then just keep it!

Who won between PhuCunt and Trollmore? Leave your comments down below and vote the winner!

- PhuCatGeek

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